Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jay and Laura - I do... Part 1

Being good friends with Jay and Laura, they asked if I would play a role in their wedding day and photograph it for them. Eager to work with another awesome couple, on one of the most special days of their lives, I jumped at the chance. It was on a beautiful October Saturday, we couldn`t have asked for better weather for photos. Set on Lake Ontario under a park pavilion, close family and friends gathered to watch this joyous occasion. Seeing as it was on the Lake, we had to take advantage of the pebble beach for photos. After we were satisfied with the photos there we embarked and went to the reception hall at the Amherstview Golf and Country Club. Once there we grabbed a couple golf carts and ripped around the fairways to snag a few more photos. Well enough of the background story, enjoy the photos of Jay and Laura`s day...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jay and Laura Engaged

In late September I joined Jay and Laura where their wedding will take place.  Its a quiet little park with a cute little pavillion, just on the other side of Bath, Ontario.  After serveying, the two wanted to take advantage of the available light left of the day and have some engagement photos done at the waters edge. 
I can't wait till their wedding day, its going to be a lot of fun; with the wonderful fall colours we should get some excellent photos.  There will also be some special photos taken on their big day; I can't wait to show you the results.  Till next time, enjoy the photos...